Anonymous5: Chrysalis is pretty hot actually... I like her sneaky personality and thin body shape. Those holes everywhere on her body add to the bizarre nature of hers... I like it! ;)
Anonymous6(2): @RandomDouche: Sounds like we can expect some drawings from you with her in near future. Good, we definitely need high quality pics with Chrysalis.
Unicorn: Lyra (used to be Allie Way but Lyra's voice in S2 finale sealed the deal)
Pegasus: Derpy (Scootaloo would be close second)
Earth: Octavia (tough one, Earthies have by far the most characters to choose from)
Princess/Alicorn: Luna (Pincess is what they call Alicorns)
Villain: Discord (c-c-c-c-combo breaker)
Anonymous20: @Rrazz426: I'm not surprised at all. Queen Chrysalis's character attributes, voice, and role in the story makes her a natural magnet for rule 34. She hits everything on the checklist. Unrepentant female villain? Check. Sexy 'evil' voice and attitude? Check. Tries to seduce one of the good characters? Check. Powers that naturally lend themselves to perverted uses? Check.
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Yeah the internet works very, very fast.
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Science, help me out here, make me a chrysalis
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My favorites:
Unicorn: Trixie
Pegasus: Derpy
Princess: Luna
Villain: Chrysalis
My favorites:
Unicorn: rarity
Pegasus: Derpy
Earth Pony: Applejack
Princess: Luna
Alicorn: Luna
Villain Chrysalis
unicorn: Rarity
Pegasus: Derpy hooves
Earth pony: Pinkie pie
Princess: Luna
Alicorn: Cadance
Villain: chrysalis
unicorn: Rarity
Pegasus: Derpy hooves
Earth pony: Pinkie pie
Princess: Luna
Alicorn: Cadance
Villain: Chrysalis
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I have a feeling that she'll soon have even MORE porn than Discord and Nightmare Moon!
Pegasus: Fluttershy
Earth pony: Pinkie pie
Princess: Luna
Alicorn: Celestia (I cheat! Yay!)
Villain: Chrysalis
Unicorn: Trixie
Pegasus: RD
Earth pony: Pinkie Pie
Princess: Luna
Alicorn: Luna
Villian: Chrysalis
Unicorn: Lyra (used to be Allie Way but Lyra's voice in S2 finale sealed the deal)
Pegasus: Derpy (Scootaloo would be close second)
Earth: Octavia (tough one, Earthies have by far the most characters to choose from)
Princess/Alicorn: Luna (Pincess is what they call Alicorns)
Villain: Discord (c-c-c-c-combo breaker)
And a little bonus
OC: Sirachi
Pegasus: Derpy
Chicken: Scootaloo
Earth pony: Pinkamena Diane Pie (cupcakes~yay)
Princess: Luna
Alicorn: Nightmare Moon ;-)
Villian: Chrysalis
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Then Discord.
Then Chrysalis.
Also, Sirachi is pretty good.