33 immortals arrive at Xbox consoles to make us enjoy its frantic action in hell in games up to 33 players
It has always been said that you must have friends even in hell and, in 33 ImmortalsThe more you have, the better. The new game The Canadians Study Lotus Thunder games offers us An adventure of frantic cooperative action with Ruguelite mechanisms. His premise is simple: bringing together 33 players so that, in a cooperative way, they end up with all kinds of underground monsters to obtain promotion through their three phases: Hell, purgatory and paradise.
33 immortals base its structure and adjustment to the Divine comedy of Dante. One of the most famous poems in classical literature that is formed by three parts (Of which its three phases borrow the name) of 33 verses each. With a small research on work, you will easily find many references in which its characters, events and places are inspired. A little pleasure for all these people who like to take advantage of the representation of great historical works in the world of video games, but where, even asome, their virtues stop there. So we go to nougat.
We will try to describe throughout this analysis all the mechanisms of the game, which could be divided into three groups: the combat mechanics, the mechanisms of progression of each game and the progression mechanisms outside of each game. As is generally the case in the Roguelite gender games, and 33 immortals are no exception, The progress we gain in each game will be restarted in each new race. On the contrary The awards we provide will allow us to improve our character permanently To make us advance more and more in our future incursions.
Mechanical playable in each game
33 immortals is an action game with a combat system based on two attack buttons and an elusive with which to face our enemies. At our disposal We will have four types of weapons available which offer a varied style of play depending on the one we choose: an arc, a sword, two dagas or a cane.
Each weapon has a resource bar full according to the creation of basic attacks. As we finish this bar, we can launch our special attacks, which are generally more determinants. For example, The sword generates justiceThis will allow us to do counterattacks that absorb the damage received and activate a powerful attack in the region. On the other hand, Dagas generate greedThis allows us to cause more damage with our special jump attack. It is advisable to go through the tutorial mode to meet their challenges and understand the different advantages and weaknesses of each weapon.
Another universal mechanics of 33 immortalists is cooperative power This consists of a bar to be filled because we interspersed with those of another player of the same enemy. A mechanic who clearly seeks to promote team gameSince, when we fill this bar that we can, we can do our seal of cooperative power. The longer the cooperative combos chain, before filling the counter. Once we have our seal ready, we can apply it on the ground and that cannot be released as long as the other players activate it next to ourselves. In our turn, we must also help activate the stamps that are trying to be launched by our colleagues. Each weapon has its own seal of cooperative power which offers unique attack or defense improvements.
Progress in each game
Our main task in each 33 immortal series will live in the Battle of the Ascension To finish it and try to defeat the final boss of each phase. To do this, we must strengthen our character in different ways: Get ashes killing enemies and obtaining relics in torture cameras. We acquire experience through the ashes that release enemies once dead, which will allow us to go up to obtain an improvement in damage, health or empathy (attribute that improves cooperative skills). We can rise in one of the many Cinerarian sanctuaries which are distributed on the map.
On the other hand, The relics are random improvements that can be made by finishing torture cameras (Small cases where we will have to end powerful waves of enemies). Torture cameras are activated at random on the map And no matter how hard they may seem hard, their rewards are worth it. Each camera is limited to 6 playersFor which we must distribute the long and the width of the card to be able to complete as many possible cameras before the activation of the battle of ascension.
Relics can also be transmuted in exchange for boneThe object which serves as a currency in each sequence of 33 immortals. When we transmute a relic will be replaced by another random, something highly recommended if these do not correspond to our style of play. The bones are obtained by opening chests and breaking the ships And they also allow us to do other actions such as healing and purchase of keys. The keys are used to open a second chest inside each torture chamber and therefore to obtain an additional relic. Something essential to deal with the final boss.
The meaning of each race in 33 immortal
The main reason why 33 immortals hung you after the game is the balance between progress inside and outside each race. Some attempts are enough to convince you with their combat and approach system of each foray. But the total team occurs when you start to receive improvements and go up permanently to strengthen your character.
On the one hand, we have the Benefitsthat we can equip ourselves in the hall of the game thanks to Dante. The advantages can improve our attributes, part of the combat mechanisms or help us get more resources. As we can go up, we can offer more advantages. Which are obtained at random at the end of the Rons.
On the other side, We have the exploits, which fulfill the function of the missions that we must complete to be able to raise our basic attributes. Exploits are in charge of Beatricewhich occupies the center of the hall. There are exploits of all kinds, some have focused on the four weapons available and others on the basis of the stages. Be that as it may, complete exploits will be the only way to level up to unlock new features such as Weapons improvements.
Weapons improvements They are independent of each weapon and offer substantial attack improvementsA basic requirement to move forward in the game. All the advantages and improvements of weapons, in addition to the various cosmetic articles, will be rewards that we will receive at random after each round.
Finally, we will have three other resources to improve our character that we will win after each round. Eternal sparks and paradigms They are used to improve the advantages, weapons and the improvement of weapons. Star dustOn the contrary, it is used to unlock cosmetic objects, among others. We can also use these resources in the game to make improvements to the group.
Win together, die alone
We cannot reject this analysis of 33 immortals without first going through its main attraction in front of other games of the genre, its cooperative component. The way in which cooperation represents is the least curious. Each race in hell will be complete by 33 players, although we can only make groups with our friends up to four players. Which will force us to cooperate with our friends and in many foreigners.
The 33 immortal map is quite largeIt is therefore not interesting that we are too together at the start of the game, remember that the important torture cameras are limited to 6 players. As the game progresses, the ascent battle will arrive As a final highest point before the boss. Crucial moment in which players must be grouped together as a number In the three areas of the card where it is carried out. Each ascent battle develops independently. Once from the start, the card will be reduced exclusively to these three areas and if it is not finished in time, all the players who do not die at the mercy of the flames of hell.
Dying is not always a final state in 33 immortalsThe first time that our health has reached zero, we can be relaunched by other players. Although yes, we will resuscitate with a significant reduction in health known as destruction. Which can be attenuated with improvements made outside of each game.
If we play our second death alone, the end of our rebellion means. On the other hand, if we are in a group playing with friends, we can be relaunched in the sanctuaries of souls as long as they are available. Another small layer of depth that promotes the team's game.
Conclusions of 33 immortals
Underline, finally, The wonderful work that Thunder Lotus Games did with the graphic design of 33 immortalIts two characters and the levels, modeled with objects and menus of the game. The animations have a high bill and everything seen on the screen creates an atmosphere that keeps you trapped every second that lasts the race. Without ignoring the magnificent soundtrack that is in charge of Max LL, an artist who also signs another group of his study, like Spiritfarer.
I don't want to go without remembering 33 Immorters is a game in the game preview phase And it still has a long way to go until its final launch. Which does not mean that this is an excellent product today, with a few small polish bugs, but also A great future to come. I share here under the road map for the coming months published by the study itself.
My experience, and I can confirm that my friends have also found A pleasure of pleasure where each time we put its surface, we are a little more aware of the whole depth it covers. So I can do nothing but recommend to try it and take your own conclusions. Go to hell.
33 immortals is available on Xbox Game Pass on Xbox Consoles, PC and Cloud.
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