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  1. 'Charisma' 10151

    'Charisma' 10151 Living The Dream

    Sep 21, 2017
    I recall the first time I let a boyfriend move in with me...
    Sweet 17 and my first Significant Other!
    I had a job, paid the rent, utility and food bills... self sufficient and just about scraping by with enough left over to enjoy a weekend away and enough for recreational sweeties...
    Then my parter asked to move in...
    He was a pretty boy, failed model, had no job, a great social life and lots of ‘Charisma’
    Why not??!! I thought and opened my doors....
    Big mistake!!!
    He turned from Cosmopolitan man to Neanderthal man overnight!
    Whatever he acquired... be it food, money, drink etc he kept for himself and maybe dropped me a crumb when he felt generous ... god forbid should you help yourself without prior agreement!!!!
    A beating would follow
    Should I buy or pay for anything, then use or consume it without his full knowledge and participation then..,. A verbal, emotional, physical and sometimes, sexual beating would follow...
    It took him one day to move in...
    One week for the colours to show; for me to realise what a monumental fuckup I had done.....
    One further month of beatings before I lost my apartment, the belongings and the deposit to get away from that dreaded partner... The worst bit was moving back to my mothers ... OUCH!!!!
    Now I look back.... I’m glad I just cut my losses early
    Does any one else relate to this?
    If so... My condolences and I hope you are not still stuck there✨
    • Like Like x 6
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    1. View previous comments...
    2. 'Charisma' 10151
      There is nothing wrong with occasionally eating a slice of humble crow pie✨
      'Charisma' 10151, Sep 22, 2018
      springsteen79 and DTrumpet like this.
    3. Trib Fan
      What a disgusting slug he was....
      Trib Fan, Feb 18, 2021
      'Charisma' 10151 likes this.
    4. flybinite
      Should have filed charges on him. If a guy ever did that to either of my daughters, I’d make sure he regretted ever being born
      flybinite, Feb 19, 2021
      'Charisma' 10151 likes this.
    5. flybinite
      If a guy were to mishandle either of my daughters. He’d NEVER be found. EVER!!
      And the boys they dated knew it
      flybinite, Nov 4, 2021
      'Charisma' 10151 likes this.
    6. notdescriptive
      First beating would be followed by a call to the police. Why stick around for subsequent beatings?
      notdescriptive, Nov 4, 2021
      'Charisma' 10151 likes this.
  2. randallgossip

    randallgossip Bad Wolf

    May 1, 2016
    Fortunately, I can not relate.

    My girlfriend moved into my apartment when her dad took ill and they needed the room she grew up in to take care of him. Not good circumstances to start something like that under, but that was over a decade ago and we're still happily living together. Neither of us changed how we treated each other at all, and we shared everything.
    • Like Like x 2
    1. 'Charisma' 10151
      Well I hope her dad has recovered enough to enjoy a good quality of life!
      A decade is quite a milestone... just don’t ruin it and get married!
      May your next decade together be even sweeter and bring even greater rewards!!!✨✨✨✨
      (But remember.... don’t get married)
      'Charisma' 10151, Sep 22, 2018
    2. randallgossip

      Actually, her dad died in a matter of weeks, they never really used the room she moved out of. It was very sudden.

      But we're still going strong!
      randallgossip, Sep 22, 2018
  3. randallgossip

    randallgossip Bad Wolf

    May 1, 2016
    Does it feel weird to anyone else clicking "Like" in threads like this? Like you're saying "Your first live-in boyfriend beat you and stole your shit? Fantastic!" "Her dad died? Awesome!" I know what we're really saying is "Thanks for sharing your story" but it still feels weird calling it "Like".
    • Like Like x 1
    1. View previous comments...
    2. randallgossip
      So, "Like" and... "Respectfully acknowledging your open and honest sharing of life experiences"?
      randallgossip, Sep 23, 2018
      'Charisma' 10151 likes this.
    3. StanleyOG

      looking into it, but that just might not be possible.
      StanleyOG, Sep 24, 2018
      SmuttyLdy and 'Charisma' 10151 like this.
    4. 'Charisma' 10151
      Thank you for trying honey✨
      'Charisma' 10151, Oct 2, 2018
    5. speakeasy
      "How about you get us a button to press that’s different to like.... an “I get it” button"
      There is. It's called "Empathy". It's down on the far right in the like, dislike, bad spelling, etc. options.
      speakeasy, May 10, 2022
      'Charisma' 10151 likes this.
    6. randallgossip
      But there wasn't an Empathize button four years ago when this all happened. Upgrades!
      randallgossip, May 10, 2022
      'Charisma' 10151 and speakeasy like this.
  4. ladygodiva123

    ladygodiva123 Porn Star

    Dec 27, 2010
    Yeah, I had one boyfriend who was financially dependent on me and that is NEVER happening again. I can take care of myself, but they have to be self supporting too. I have no interest in cohabiting unless marriage is being considered.

    • Like Like x 3
    1. 'Charisma' 10151
      Be wary of the marriage card....
      For some it takes a marriage certificate and for others a baby before Neanderthal man or woman starts to rear their ugly head...
      Beware and be ready... just in csse✨
      'Charisma' 10151, Sep 22, 2018
    2. stan123
      Don't ever consider marriage if it is evident of occurring prior.
      Or rather never consider marriage.
      At least you can run, no difference male or female if the mask comes off its time for an exit.
      stan123, Sep 22, 2018
  5. GemmaSwinger101

    GemmaSwinger101 Porn Star Banned!

    Oct 11, 2012
    Never let them move in.
    • Like Like x 2
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    1. 'Charisma' 10151
      Very wise words✨
      'Charisma' 10151, Sep 22, 2018
      GemmaSwinger101 likes this.
  6. conroe4

    conroe4 Lake Lover In XNXX Heaven

    Nov 26, 2006
    I cannot fathom beating a woman, nor her taking it. A good spanking is fun tho. giving AND taking. That's how it's s'posed to be.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. 'Charisma' 10151

    'Charisma' 10151 Living The Dream

    Sep 21, 2017
    If I spent my life dreaming and aspiring as to how things are supposed to be... I’d be a wretched creature by now...
    Life is ‘what it is’...
    What we decide to make, of that which we control is our destiny and entirely of our own doing✨
  8. Tac65

    Tac65 Porn Star

    Jul 21, 2018
    You did the right thing, but don't let this run or ruin your life. When you get it right with the right person life is a truly beautiful thing. You are a very pretty girl Charisma, judging by those 5 pics in one album, I wish you the best but in the mean time google Paul Simons 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover and put a smile on your face.:)
    1. 'Charisma' 10151
      Will do...
      Big smile
      Thanks honey✨
      'Charisma' 10151, Sep 22, 2018
    2. Tac65
      Tac65, Sep 22, 2018
      'Charisma' 10151 likes this.
  9. user 326

    user 326 Renaissance Man Banned!

    Jan 8, 2018
    Unfortunately I don't think most people find out whether a guy is a man or just a boy who never grew up until it's too late. Most of our ideas of what and who we want are completely fucked up when we're young and we mistake lust for love. Us guys, too.

    I'm sorry you had to go through that but I'm glad you made it out alive.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. 'Charisma' 10151
      Don’t be sorry...
      I’m glad I got that lesson over with nice and early...
      With no lasting damage otherr than a minor set back with regards to belongings and dealing with the harsh “I told you so’s” and “the problem with you is...” from my mother...
      Suffice to say I moved out of my mothers less than 6months later and never looked back✨
      (other than on birthdays, Christmas etc)✨
      'Charisma' 10151, Sep 23, 2018
      user 326 likes this.
  10. Jack Mine

    Jack Mine The Pope of Assholiness

    May 30, 2009
    You were actually 17? Had a job, your own apartment, paid for your utilities and bought your own food? Not for nothing but you had it going on for someone who was 17. And that's something you should be proud of, honestly.

    But then you fucked up. By letting your pretty boy loser boyfriend, with no fuckin job move in with you. Did you seriously think he was gonna pay for anything not having a job? But you were only 17. And I'm sorry he beat you, that wasn't your fault for that. And it really wasn't your fault for letting him move in. The big thing is, you were 17. It's a life lesson that nobody should have to go through. But you did and it made you wiser and stronger today. Never blame yourself for shit that happened then. When I was 17 all I was doing was smoking grass, jerking off and delivering groceries for a job. We all live and learn, but not as hard as you had to do.
    • Like Like x 4
  11. TommyGspot

    TommyGspot Porn Star

    Mar 17, 2018
    You know what? It's life -

    All of us, myself very much included, make choices that weren't the best and definately were mistakes. But you know what - at least you're trying. At least you tried it . Didn't work out - oh well. Don't let it dominate you.
    • Like Like x 3
  12. Bron Zeage

    Bron Zeage I am a river to my people

    Dec 3, 2014
    I have cohabited with woman all of my adult life. At this point., I'm on my third. There's never been a yours, mine, and ours system. It's all ours.

    The current wife and I lived together for about two years before we married. One day she called at work and I took the call at the receptionists desk. The receptionist was about 19 or 20 and she listened to my half of the conversation, which ended with me saying, "I love you, babydoll. Goodbye." I hand the phone back to the receptionist, who sits there with an open mouthed stare.

    She says, "You're so nice to your wife." I'm wondering what kind of relationships she's had, where this registers as "so nice."

    "I know a good deal when I see one," I tell her.
    "What kind of deal do you have?"

    "I get sex on demand, all her money, and there's a pitcher of ice tea in the refrigerator at all times." I had work to do, so that was it.
    At quitting time, she finds me. "Can I ask you a question?"
    "Does your wife really give you all her money?"

    Sex on demand and ice tea didn't seem strange to her, but the money part was hard to believe. I explained, I also give her all my money. All the money goes into the same pot. All the bills and expenses are paid form our combined income. She thought this was very odd, but I can't imaging doing it any other way. I'm a partner, not a landlord.
    • Like Like x 5
    1. geileklodders
      It's sad to hear people exist who don't have any clue what love means.
      geileklodders, Sep 23, 2018
      'Charisma' 10151 and Tac65 like this.
    2. randallgossip
      At a party, some older guys started giving me shit for not being married to my girlfriend, and I got pissed and snapped "Do you have a joint bank account with your wife?" And they scoffed and all said "Hell no!" and I said "Then I'm more married than you." That shut them up.
      randallgossip, Sep 23, 2018
  13. springsteen79

    springsteen79 xnxx lifer

    Feb 8, 2015
    So good that you got out early! Too many feel the need to hang around. This has never happened to me ..........other shit has, just not this type of thing!
    • Like Like x 2
  14. AvoryBlueSky

    AvoryBlueSky Porno Junky Banned!

    Sep 20, 2018
    Made that mistake once, took me a year to correct to get him to move out. Currently I live by myself and I like it this way, for now. I enjoy the privacy and having the option to invite anyone at anytime, male or female to come over and spend time with me and the freedom to come and go as I please.
    • Like Like x 4
  15. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    It is not exactly what your example describes......but being in love and blurring the edges by saying we should share everything can leave one partner trapped if all breaks down and you want to split up!

    Sorry about the beatings......it is just so low and reprehensible!

  16. E DOG

    E DOG Porn Star

    Dec 22, 2016
    yeah my ex said that to me too what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine, then she ran all the credet cards up bought everything she wanted, while i was working to pay off the debt she put on me, then she was cheating on me and wanted a devorce so i let her go lol, but it took me 5 yrs to pay off her debt. so no marrege for me now i got burned ones lol. mu gf now has her oun place and works so it's cool now and comes over when she wants some sex or we do stuff.but yeah chrisma it happens to guys to
    • Like Like x 2
    1. 'Charisma' 10151
      Sad to hear you got really burnt...
      You are right... it happens to guys too!
      What worse for you guys is when children are involved...
      I know women who’ve used their kids as bargaining tools.... give me what I demand or you don’t see the kids... that’s lower than low✨
      'Charisma' 10151, Sep 23, 2018
      randallgossip and TommyGspot like this.
    2. E DOG
      yeah it is and i know my ex would have pulled that too the bitch lol
      E DOG, Sep 24, 2018
      'Charisma' 10151 likes this.
  17. Tac65

    Tac65 Porn Star

    Jul 21, 2018
    Reading all this I can’t believe how lucky I must have been to have my love for all the years we had together.
    • Like Like x 2
    1. 'Charisma' 10151
      Something to wake up every morning and be thankful for....
      Good for you honey✨
      'Charisma' 10151, Sep 23, 2018
      randallgossip likes this.
  18. springsteen79

    springsteen79 xnxx lifer

    Feb 8, 2015
    FREEDOM! Screamed like William Wallace!
    • Winner Winner x 1