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  1. Kevistation

    Kevistation Porn Star

    Nov 5, 2019
    Sit on Santas lap and tell him hehe
    • Funny Funny x 2
  2. nympharita

    nympharita Fellatiologist

    Aug 6, 2018
    I have been a very good girl all year and I think I deserve to look out my window and see that Santa has brought me a new Porsche speedster (red)!!!!!
    • Like Like x 3
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    • Winner Winner x 2
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  3. msman

    msman Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 18, 2010
    I am shopping around on here. Saw some very nice presents.
    • Like Like x 2
  4. toni1388

    toni1388 Sex Lover

    Jul 3, 2015
    Santa? People still believe in this nonsense?
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
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    1. deegenerate
      Yes, because the rest of us never joke around at all. :ass:
      deegenerate, Dec 2, 2019
    2. Sanity_is_Relative
      So then you know nothing about the actual person that inspired the tales of Santa Clause. Yes there was a real person that gave presents to the poor kids. AKA the patron saint of children. You know the same monk that saved 3 sisters from being sold into slavery(prostitution) by their father by providing each of them with a dowry so that they could be married after selling all of his worldly possessions to fund his gifts. Or what about the Dutch tradition of belief in Sinter Klaas....OH wait does the fact that there are historical basis for the existence of Santa confuse and bewilder your pea brain?
      Sanity_is_Relative, Dec 3, 2019
      Rexxracerr and deegenerate like this.
  5. StrawberryCupcake

    StrawberryCupcake ⭐️Cheese Tease⭐️

    Jun 7, 2018
    Pretty sure it’s called having fun. You should give it a try sometime. :thumbsup:
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  6. Lioness

    Lioness A Fun Flirty Frisky Friendly Felion

    Jan 31, 2007
    I want Santa to bring Spring and a warm house to live in!
    • Like Like x 5
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  7. Bron Zeage

    Bron Zeage I am a river to my people

    Dec 3, 2014
    A pasta maker.

    pasta girl 5 600.jpg
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  8. Anniemated

    Anniemated Writer of fantasies, achiever of dreams In XNXX Heaven

    Mar 21, 2019
    A Christmas jumper
    Capture christmas boob.JPG
    • Funny Funny x 10
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  9. submissively speaking

    submissively speaking Sassochist

    May 26, 2018
    Assuming I’ve been a good girl all year, I want an adventure.
    • Like Like x 6
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    1. View previous comments...
    2. submissively speaking
      Oh, I hadn’t thought of that; will getting one for Christmas put me on the bad girl list for next year?
      StepBrthr724 likes this.
    3. StepBrthr724
      You have to help guys out remember? lol Santa needs specific details...like you want a tall, handsome, Dominate man to show you new and exciting submissive roles you can play...now that is a good start ;)
      StepBrthr724, Dec 3, 2019
      submissively speaking likes this.
    4. Anniemated
      Nah, Santa knows everything.
      Anniemated, Dec 3, 2019
    5. StepBrthr724
      Shsh Annie ;)
      StepBrthr724, Dec 3, 2019
      submissively speaking likes this.
    6. submissively speaking
      I find being too specific tends to lessen the chances that my wish is granted.

      The universe will give me what I need. ;)
      Anniemated likes this.
  10. bigbird

    bigbird Dirty English Gent

    Aug 4, 2006
    Peace and goodwill to all men - well most of them ;)
    • Like Like x 1
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  11. Will88

    Will88 Porn Star

    Mar 22, 2018
    I guess I am going for it...how 'bout a 160 or so pretty, sexy MILF's? One every other day would work...and not be considered too greedy?
    • Like Like x 1
  12. TallGuyTX

    TallGuyTX Sex Machine

    Nov 26, 2012
    Someone to hug
    • Empathize Empathize x 3
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  13. eendagsvlieg

    eendagsvlieg Porcelain Dragon Warrior Princess Banned!

    Jul 19, 2018
    Not telling.
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
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    1. Rusky63
      Hey Miss E:) ,good to see you back again :)
      Rusky63, Dec 6, 2019
      Rexxracerr and eendagsvlieg like this.
    2. eendagsvlieg
      Hi Rusky. :) How are you? :)
      eendagsvlieg, Dec 6, 2019
      Rexxracerr and Rusky63 like this.
    3. Rusky63
      Fine t hanks just about to go do some stuff and how are you ?
      Rusky63, Dec 6, 2019
      Rexxracerr and eendagsvlieg like this.
    4. eendagsvlieg
      I'll tell you later, I was about to go get the kids so we both shouldn't be around. :)
      eendagsvlieg, Dec 6, 2019
      Rexxracerr and Rusky63 like this.
    5. Rusky63
      Ok take care :)
      Rusky63, Dec 6, 2019
      Rexxracerr and eendagsvlieg like this.
  14. deleted user cg

    deleted user cg Porn Star Banned!

    Jan 20, 2019
    An airline ticket ... ;)
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  15. Truthful 1

    Truthful 1 coal fired windmills Banned!

    Apr 7, 2018
    A big bow with a big bow , Full of all of you , xnxx ladies . so I could take all of you to dinner . And make you girls laugh.
    Yes that would be my wish. And Fantasy
    • Like Like x 1
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  16. TarlCabot666

    TarlCabot666 Dark Lord of the Slit

    Aug 4, 2019
    Well ... If we are dreaming Big, then I think I need a Private Island.
    • Winner Winner x 4
    1. View previous comments...
    2. TarlCabot666
      Too Old? What? are you like 21 or 22? :D
      Seriously, I fully understand being fragile. I never thought I'd be that guy. but there are still ways to have fun and be safe :D
      TarlCabot666, Dec 7, 2019
    3. Anniemated
      You probably don't know that this time last year I was lying in a hospital bed with a broken hip because of osteoporosis. So yeah I'm fragile and more likely to break, Sir Spooky isn't going to force my knees to my nipples ......... you I don't know about ;)
      Anniemated, Dec 7, 2019
    4. JimmyCrackPorn
      JimmyCrackPorn, Dec 10, 2019