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  1. imprezaguy02

    imprezaguy02 Porn Surfer

    Jun 15, 2007
    My gf's sister if she wants to "play around"

    I think she has had a crush on me but I don't want her running to my gf when or if I ask her. I'd like to get both of them with me...

    If you want to harass me then don't even post. I hate that shit. Just go away and everything will be peachy. :cool:
  2. imprezaguy02

    imprezaguy02 Porn Surfer

    Jun 15, 2007
  3. chunky

    chunky Porn Star

    Oct 13, 2006
    Difficult to offer any advice without knowing more about the girls, but it is most likely that it will all end in tears if you go ahead.
  4. imprezaguy02

    imprezaguy02 Porn Surfer

    Jun 15, 2007
    And thats what I don't want. If I must I will just get over it. What exactly would you want to know about the girls?
  5. nikki93

    nikki93 Baller's Girl

    Mar 15, 2007
    well your only 18, and based on the question, i take it your not serious with your girlfriend (especially if you can easily think about banging her sister). so just go for it. two things could happen: 1. you get smacked across the face by your GF, and live the single life for a few days, 2. you have sex with your GF's sister. you make the call.
  6. imprezaguy02

    imprezaguy02 Porn Surfer

    Jun 15, 2007
    We are actually extremely serious. We have a baby together. But the thing is my gf is bi so she likes girls too, and she doesn't mind me looking at other girls since she gets to as well. I just don't know how she would take it if it was about her sister.

    And just to clear things up. I'm not looking for an incestuous encounter (its not my thing). Just a fun one from her sister.
  7. imprezaguy02

    imprezaguy02 Porn Surfer

    Jun 15, 2007
    Oh and Nikki, me and my gf love your pics that you posted. There sexy lol
  8. nikki93

    nikki93 Baller's Girl

    Mar 15, 2007
    well i'm bi too, but the thought of my sister makes me want to puke. if they weren't blood related, just called themselves sisters, then maybe it would be more realistic. i have a guy that i call my brother, ive never slept with him, but i would. blood sisters is kinda freaky- and i don't mean kinky. some sisters do it in porn videos for that big chunk of money. i donno... do you think she would do it?

    oh and thanks... im glad you guys enjoyed them! :kiss:
  9. ThunderedEchoes

    ThunderedEchoes Screaming Infidelities

    Apr 30, 2007
    I don't know, if you're not interested in your girlfriend, don't date her. If you want both of them to yourself, break up with your current girlfriend. You do not want to break the girl up. If you want to bang her sister, why would you even want a relationship? Maybe, you are in the WRONG relationship? Go date her sister instead okay?
  10. Nympho

    Nympho sex kitten

    Jun 14, 2006
    don't be too greedy. If you want to have sex with your gf's sister, then try to slowly ease yourself into that situation, it that is what you want to do. However, trying to get your girlfriend involved could be very bad. How close is your gf and her sister?

    also, on the note if you really want to do it, keep in mind that if it comes out that that could ruin everything for you, not to mention your child...
  11. imprezaguy02

    imprezaguy02 Porn Surfer

    Jun 15, 2007
    yup, I know that! there pretty close. Don't worry, I'm smart enough not to ruin everything. its just a want. i probably wont go after it. i wont ruin everything that is so great to me of what i have already.
  12. Nympho

    Nympho sex kitten

    Jun 14, 2006
    that would be the best thing. If you are happy with what you have, why take that chance?
  13. Perv79

    Perv79 Decadent Deity

    Feb 26, 2007
    I'd joke with your girl first to gauge her reaction of you being attracted to her sister. There is an excellent chance you will fuck up the dynamic of your whole situation and really hurt your girl if she isn't cool with it.

    Since i did put some normal advice in I'm going to sneak in a flame also. Why the fuck do you have a kid at 18?
  14. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    Dude you have a kid with your gf and you're trying to fuck her sister? This isn't harassment or whatever you were saying you didn't want in your first post. This is common sese, you could very likely fuck everything up for not only you but your kid. Keep it a fantasy cus I highly doubt any girl would react kindly to her bf and the father of her kid fucking her sister
  15. Sierra

    Sierra Cockaficionada

    Jun 3, 2007
    Difficult decision

    I understand this is a "want" and you say the sisters are close. They most likely tell each other everything, so there won't be any hiding from your girlfriend once her sister lets her know your intention. Besides, who's to say the sister would even consider it, if it would hurt her sister? Not only would you jeopardize your child of having both his parents together (you did say you were pretty serious about each other), you could damage your girlfriend and her sister's relationship beyond repair. That takes away your child's aunt too. I'd say you have a difficult decision to make if you really "want" your girlfriend's sister that badly. Good luck with your decision.
  16. imprezaguy02

    imprezaguy02 Porn Surfer

    Jun 15, 2007
    lol we actually had him at 17. and it just happened. but i wouldn't do it over again
  17. imprezaguy02

    imprezaguy02 Porn Surfer

    Jun 15, 2007
    thats actually going to just be that... a fantasy. i dont want to ruin anything!! its too important over a fucking
  18. ixi

    ixi Amateur

    Mar 15, 2007
    As soon as there is a baby involved, you have obligations that far exceed that of your penis. To avoid traumatizing the baby by traumatizing the mother, I'd suggest you let the sister-in-law go.

    Love Always,
    :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: